NTHP Demo Page – GT/EOY Homepage Takeover

Productive Task: https://app.productive.io/2650-4site-interactive-studios-inc/tasks/9437529

This page will redirect you on 12-03 to https://support.savingplaces.org/page/56820/donate/1

This page will redirect you on 12-30 to https://support.savingplaces.org/page/56820/donate/1

This page will redirect you on 12-30 to https://support.savingplaces.org/page/56820/donate/1

You can simulate these dates by adding ?simulate-date=12-## to the URL

Any URL arguments present will be included when redirected. And when redirected ?was-redirected will be added to the URL

If on the redirected page, you choose to return to this page by clicking the option that will be shown in a bar across the top of the page, you will be sent back with all the URL arguments and ?was-redirected will be replaced with ?no-redirect and a suppression cookie will be set in your browser so that you’re not redirected for another 24 hours.

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