Custom Unsubscribe Page to Reduce Opt Outs

Rainforest Action Network Unsubscribe Page

Our Work

4Site helped the Rainforest Action Network to engineer an unsubscribe page that encourages people to stay on their list. RAN uses Engaging Networks as their list building tool, so we created a custom unsubscribe page using our own ENgrid software. When a user clicks a link to unsubscribe, the page checks the user’s EN record and provides different options. Based on the their history, they may be presented with an option to “Recieve Fewer Emails.” If the user does unsubscribe, the “thank you” page provides the option to “Resubscribe.”

Rainforest Action Network Unsubscribe Page
Rainforest Action Network Resubscribe Page

Check out the form (but don't unsubscribe:)

We were getting lots of emails from people frustrated by the default unsubscribe options offered by our CRM. 4Site addressed those concerns, and also proposed some additional changes to encourage folks to stay on our list. As usual, 4Site came up with a really novel solution.

Angela Stoutenburgh

Associate Director of Digital Engagement

Rainforest Action Network

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